
NCSL Board Meeting

January 9, 2012

Westin Hotel – Falls Church, VA


Barry Finkelstein called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.


Roll call indicated the following Club Reps were not in attendance: SMU and SYA.


November, 2011 board minutes were approved by unanimous consent.


State Commissioners:


Claire Filemyr - Maryland – PCA meeting dates are as follows: Double Goal I – Monday, March 19, 7PM and Double Goal II – Thursday, March 22, 7PM. A coach only needs to attend one workshop for two years of certification.

The New Administrator meeting ** DATE CHANGE**: Thursday, March 15, 2012. This meeting is mandatory for all NEW teams. (Teams, who have missed two seasons of play, are consider NEW teams).

Maureen Daulbec – Virginia – No report.

State Registrars:

Mike Basileo - Maryland – Maryland teams changing leagues between seasons must have the teams file moved in the system. Contact Mike so this can be done. The team ID number will change. MSYSA has granted the exception for this year that team numbers on cards and roster do not have to match. This means that while teams will need to get a new roster that reflects their league change, player cards do not have to be redone.

Lisa Wilson – Virginia – Virginia teams changing leagues will need to contact Lisa. Player cards and rosters will need to be redone.

Rules & Discipline - Barry Finkelstein – Dotty has contacted those who have unresolved issues.

Two rule changes need to be reviewed

1.       U12 and older teams need to submit the player names and jersey numbers to the NCSL team web page. Team web pages will be available after structure is posted.

2.       Sitouts – Player sit outs need to be communicated to the referee. Please process but hold onto sitout cards in case further verification is necessary.

Thanks to Dotty, Cynthia, Jeremy and the rest of the R&D committee for their work.

Thanks to the scorekeepers for filtering the information from the teams and keeping R&D informed.

Administrator - Kathleen Sessions – Packets are being turned in tonight. High school forms need to be submitted online. Any other team requests should be emailed to Kathleen by February 3.



Secretary – Gina Clapp – not present

Treasurer – Anne Maynes – not present.

Vice President – Richard Smith – not report.

President - Ray Greenberg – not present.

New Business

The new club application of Fredericksburg Soccer Club.

Motion to approve Lisa Wilson

Second – Claire Filemyr

Hand count of vote inconclusive

Roll call vote

Motion fails.

Good of the game

VYSA will hold its convention on February 3 and 4, 2012

Barry asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lisa Wilson made the motion. It was seconded. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.


Next NCSL BOD Meeting – March 22, 2012 – 7:30 PM – Westin Hotel – Falls Church, Va.